While We're On Color...
Back to the Holga. As the last Holga image showed, the workout I gave the camera in its first days appears to have taken its toll. The earlier images from the camera were sharp, at least a sharp as the lens would allow. My guess, from looking at the last couple of rolls, is that the cheap mechanism that controls the shutter speed is stretched out a bit, leading to a bit of shake if I'm not careful. This image was taken a few weeks ago of a residential construction site in Hollywood.The effect really altered what I intended from this shot of the shopping carts at a Trader Joe's, and I think the image suffered from the shake. Still, there's something about it I do like. One of those pleasant accidents. More pleasant, I think, is the effect on the black-and-white photo below (shot at the Jersey shore, it's a digression from the Los Angeles theme of this site). I've been trying to brace myself more as I shoot with the Holga, knowing now that even stranger things are afoot with it. Still, the wind in the flag is compounded nicely, I think.