Monday, March 24, 2008

Lost in LA

Found on another detour trying to escape traffic on the 101. Lord of Harvest is tucked on a little street just north of the freeway and west of Alvarado.

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Little More Abstract

Back to that toy camera and the cheap color film. One can't have expectations that run too high with these things - they are never as good or bad as you hope, occupying that middle ground that makes them, at best, unremarkable. I think I managed to grab a couple decent one out of the one roll I shot, the truck grille posted earlier, and this, shot through the car window on a rainy day.


Friday, March 07, 2008

Stormy Weather

Things have cleared up a bit since I shot this from the Santa Monica Pier in the midst of February's rains. There was something dated about the textures inthe image, sort of left me with the feeling it could have been made a century ago.

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