Friday, August 03, 2007

My Little Angel

Well, I pulled the 70-300 out to the backyard to give it a test run and focused on this little angel that was dug out of the dirt a year or so after we moved in. It's been banged around a bit and not all its pieces have survived the kids, the various gardeners, the rain, etc., but it hangs in there. There has been discussion off and on over the years about throwing it out, but I figure it's survived this long - I don't want to tempt the fates.


Coming Back

Have a little more time on my hands at the moment and have picked up a new lens for the Nikon, some more 120 and 35mm B&W film and plan to spend a little more time shooting. To prime the pump, here's a Holga shot from the spring taken downtown. I've been using Tri-X up to now, a very fast film that, at least with the Holga, leaves me way over exposed. The new stuff is Ilford Pan F, a 50 ISO film recommended by David Plowden, a former client and a photographer whose work I like very much. How it will play in a jittery Holga is something we'll have to see. The Mamiya is still babysitting a roll of Tri-X that needs to get finished before checking it out there. By the end of the summer...
