Monday, December 19, 2005

Even leaving work at the relatively early hour of 6 in winter L.A. provides the unusual (for me, still) mix of dark, balmy evenings. When I got to the parking lot the other night it wasn't all that surprising that a large swath of it had been taken over by a film crew. The image I hoped to capture was the incongruity of this set they'd built - a cafe or diner, I think - as an island in this vast asphalt lot. What it looks more like, though, is that there's some great conflagration going on, another example of the Treo's preference for the dark.

Another interesting feature, a fiction really, is the shutter noise of the camera. There is none, but when the phone is set to "ring" it does allow the camera to give off a "click." A benefit to the silence is that I was able to stand behind this homeless guy heading toward Skid Row and take a photo of him without the noise that might have tipped him off that I was even there. Of course, the street noise probably would have taken care of that, but why risk it?


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